Natania G

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Children’s Health and Regular Exercise

Getting your children hooked on exercise is a gift that will last a lifetime. Their active upbringing largely determines their ongoing wellbeing through adulthood. We should encourage them to participate in healthy activities and practice different exercises on a daily basis.

Allow your child to choose activities that appeal to them and which are age appropriate. They don’t need to log 30-60 minutes in the gym (unless that's really what they want to do).  The trick to getting kids interested in exercise at a young age is to keep it fun. Gymnastics classes, sports, dance, hikes in the woods, kayaking, swimming, taking the dog for a walk… all count as "exercise" for kids (and for you!).

Medical research shows that exercise strengthens the immune system of children and makes them less vulnerable to diseases and chronic conditions such as diabetes, allergies, heart problems and orthopedic issues.

Acting as a role model by staying active yourself is one of the best ways to motivate and inspire your kids. If your child sees you embracing exercise as a positive and important part of your lifestyle, they will naturally follow suit.