Be True to You in Your Training Program!

The one size fits all approach to training and exercises has long been taken out of the books. When it comes to reachingyour fitness and wellness goals it is important to be on an exercise program that is individualized not only for your goals, current level and experience but in addition, suits your personality and who you are. Personality and who you are has a lot to do with what you enjoy doing.  Success in reaching your goals is far more likely when you are doing something you enjoy!  It is important to find things you enjoy and are good at doing and bring that to your training program. When you are true to you in your exercise program, you will find your way to your goal, and stay there life long!

For example, if you are the social type then seek to get involved in organized group exercise in your local club or gym Take a look at the group exercise schedule and see what classes resonate with you. Working one on one with a trainer is also a great idea for you. You will tend to workout best when you are held accountable for your fitness intentions and someone is expecting you.

If you enjoy your time to you, and tend to go solo and are more disciplined, it might be easier for you to stick to a more regimented routine. You might enjoy activities where you're in control -- of your movements and your schedule -- rather than following along in a fitness class. Some ideas are taking up walking, running or cycling. Any one or all of these activities might appeal to you because you're in charge of these kinds of workouts. Your trainer can create individualized workouts for you to follow and move at your own pace. These activities also offer opportunities to improve. Tracking things like your distance, heart rate and recovery might help keep you motivated.  Be aware of a tendency you might have to be inflexible. You like routines and habits, but they may turn into ruts if you don't make changes now and then. Make it a point to take stock of your situation every few weeks and make changes in your schedule, workouts or activities to keep things fresh.

Are you a bit competitive?  Growing up you likely played some sports or challenging activity where you had something on the line.  Now, you might feel that inner fire inside you when hear someone is running faster then you or lifting more weight then you. Find a team to join such as in Basketball League, Master Swim, Spinning (REV) class or Kickboxing.  Training for a 5k, 10k or Triathlon would also be a great program to get started on.  When you work with a trainer your cardiovascular work in your training program can also be designed as “games”, versus walking on a treadmill or bike. This would bring out that competitive side in you while also getting your heart rate to the desired level. Don’t be afraid to try new things. You're good at a variety of things, but you may also have a tendency towards perfectionism. That may stop you from trying new things, since it's hard to be perfect on your first try. Test your boundaries every so often with new activities and allow yourself to have fun with them!

If you tend to be a Type-A personality and results seeker, getting on a program that tracks your heart rate zones and progresses you through intervals of exercise would be a great match for you. This program would not only burn fat and get you strong fast but get you results! Finding out your individualized heart rate zones and designing an interval program can be done simply by scheduling a session with a trainer who is also a cardio coach and can administer a sub max Vo2 test on you, a.k.a Target Zone!

Remember the times when you played a sport that you were good at? When you did that exercise or activity you just loved! Do some sports seem to just be “you”, while others you just are not able to get in to? I had a client that came to me several years ago with the goal to keep his heart healthy, lose some weight and be healthy so he can continue to be there for his family and friends. He did not like to work out and did not particularly enjoy weight training or do too many what he called, “complex”movements. I tried and tried as a trainer to get him to like the exercises I knew were good for him.  He would tell me all the time “give me the bench and Dumbbells and I am happy.” He stayed and trained with me for well over a year and we continued to keep him healthy, dropped some body fat and reached his goals. Now looking back, I would probably have been able to help him even more if I just let him stay true to what he liked and used more benches and dumbbells. As of today when he trains, he still uses the bench and dumbbells! The morale of the story is, be true to you and design your program around that because at the end of the day you will stick with what you like doing.  Finding a trainer that can collaborate with you to design a program customized for you, will be one of the most valuable investments you make for yourself. When it comes to your health, it’s not just something that is temporary; it is for the rest of your life!





“PLAYOUT” and Reach Your Fitness Goals!