Boosting Your Brain Power with Exercise

Studies continue to show that exercise can boost your intelligence, IQ levels and task efficiency. The brain benefits of regular exercise are for all ages!

Combining exercise with a healthy diet is the best way to protect your brain function. Staying active with a variety of activities is best. Each type of exercise may offer unique benefits for your brain health.

Research conducted at the Salk Institute found that mice who ran 3 miles each night doubled their hippocampus size over time. This is a part of the brain associated with learning and memory.

Most Young People Aren’t Exercising Enough

1 in 4 children get roughly 30 minutes of daily exercise. By the time they’re teens, only 12% get the recommended daily amount of exercise.

Studies show that a lack of exercise not only affects the body, it also affects the brain. For children, the brain benefits of exercise start young. In a study of 6th graders, the fittest students scored 30% higher on tests than average students. Less fit students scored 20% lower than average students.

Workplace Benefits of Physical Activity

Exercise is an invaluable tool to increase your performance and productivity in the workplace as well. On average, an employee who exercises regularly is 15% more efficient. 

Exercise is a powerful way to encourage your brain to work at optimum capacity by causing nerve cells to multiply, strengthening their interconnections and protecting them from damage.

A harder workout could mean sharper thinking. The benefits of regular exercise are monumental. It is never too late to start living healthy! 


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