Finding Balance – How Your Emotional Wellbeing Impacts Your Physical Health

There are so many factors that impact our overall health. And, while fitness often places importance on the physical wellbeing, true wellness comes from the balance of a healthy body and mind. Emotional factors like stress and anxiety can impact overall fitness, including reaching weight loss and training goals.You might know the feeling: you’re overwhelmed and stressed-out from work and family obligations. You overeat or grab food on the go to compensate. You may even skip your normal fitness routine to make more time in your busy life. This cycle leads to weight gain, guilt and – sadly – even more stress and anxiety.Additionally, our bodies work to combat our stressful lives by producing hormones like Cortisol to help “fight” the conflict in our lives. Although Cortisol is a necessary and sometimes helpful secretion, a high-stress lifestyle can lead to over production of the hormone. This means slower metabolism and higher blood sugar and pressure. Which, you guessed it, can cause even more long-term stress!But, don’t let this get you down! There are ways to combat your stress and get your mind and body working together for optimal health and wellness. If you’re feeling out of balance, give these tips a try:

  1. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. These are unhealthy and temporary crutches that will negatively affect your emotional and physical wellbeing.
  2. Don’t skip your fitness. It can seem tempting to free up an extra hour by skipping a workout, but exercise is proven to boost happiness and lower stress. Studies show that depression is related to low levels of certain neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine. Exercise increases concentrations of these neurotransmitters by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system.
  3. Find your favorite healthy snacks. Grabbing food fast doesn’t have to mean grabbing fast food. A little strategic shopping for snacks like almonds, Greek yogurt, fruit and lean proteins will mean that you have healthy treats at your fingertips when you need them.
  4. Take breaks. It’s easy to get overwhelmed (and underproductive) when your life is non-stop. Give yourself time away from the computer and quiet moments alone. Focus on your breathing and slowing your heart rate.

If you’re feeling like your stressful life is impacting your health, let’s talk. As both a personal trainer and health coach in Santa Monica, I work with clients as a whole – both body and mind. We can put together a plan that fits your busy schedule and gives you balance. 


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