Santa Monica Personal Trainer - Reaching Your Fitness Goals, 5 Minutes at a Time!

Stephen was a squash coach as well as a private trainer at the fitness center I was employed at in 2005. I was new to my position as manager at that location. In my hectic days while sitting at my desk,  typing away, responding to emails, shuffling papers, in and out of meetings and calls, Stephen would always find the time to pop his head in the door right in the middle of all the hustle every morning, He would say with the biggest smile on his face, “ Good Morning Bosses!” I would stop what I was doing, look up at the doorway, and there he would be peaking in through the door. I would stop, smile and wish him a great morning as well. I am grateful to this day for the pause he gave to my day!Dejected business woman at her deskI have to admit, I was curious as to why this man had such a smile and happy demeanor each and every day, and, went out of his way to spread it? But, at the time, I had a curiosity for what it was that kept this man so positive and cheerful day after day.  I soon found out that Stephen was diagnosed in 2004 with stage 4 colorectal Cancer. Despite this, he showed up to work every day with a smile on his face, positive demeanor and focus with his clients. He fought until the end of his battle in 2008.stephe54In his last weeks, I had the pleasure of visiting him at his home, being by his side. One of the many questions I asked him was, what he thought was the key to keeping him alive all these years. He looked me straight in the eyes and said,“ It’s movement Natania. “ I get up and move, exercise everyday.  As long as I am moving, I am living!”    To this day, I share this with my clients, and follow this myself.   Cancer is close to my heart, as perhaps as it is to many.  I have had family members, friends and my soon to be husband’s mother all pass from this disease with many years of happy memories left to create in their lives.As a fitness professional, working in the field of health preservation, I look to have an active role in the ongoing movement to our cure. I have the privilege to call some of my very dear clients, survivors of this disease, each and every day. I have the opportunity to be by their side. I feel blessed. I guess I hope in some way, I can make a difference for them and for our future. Through my efforts in health preservation I want to keep the spirit alive of those  that passed and have enriched my life.This month, a new report out shows that cancer deaths are continuing to fall. That’s the good news! The bad news is that there are two increasingly common causes of cancer with one of them being obesity. The report also says that obesity underlies a third of the cancer cases.I can easily continue this blog with tips on how to be active, eat healthy and look to make lifestyle changes.  At this time, I am not going to do that. What I am going to do is pass on the wisdom that Stephen left and give that to those looking to get started if not continue on their journey through health and wellness. The simplicity in his message I hope can resonate to any individual looking to start an exercise program.“I had a 12-hour operation in October, went down to 130lbs and was on my back for 17 days. I had little or no movement and thought I'd never play sport again, least of all my other favorite sport, Ice Hockey.”"But as a health professional you're aware of the patience you need, so I slowly climbed the ladder of improvement, starting with 10 minutes exercise a day, increasing so that I now play an hour a day, coach squash, live my full life, and even my golf handicap is improving!"I still have treatment every two weeks, but I sincerely hope my approach to my difficulties will be an example to anyone who experiences dramatic trauma of whatever magnitude. "Never give up, and look to enjoy every aspect of life, even five minutes at a time ..."                 Stephen Cox,  July 2007stephencox1 


Santa Monica Personal Trainer - The 4-Minute Miracle Workout!


Holiday Workouts on the Road!