Sleep Like you Mean it! Use Tools in Bed

In our fast-paced world, where numerous priorities demand our attention, it's easy to neglect time for self-rejuvenation. Successful individuals recognize the transformative power of good sleep habits. Despite the initial counter-intuitiveness of prioritizing sleep in a busy schedule, the gains in productivity, mental and emotional health, and physical energy far outweigh the time invested in developing and maintaining healthy sleep habits.

1) Addressing the issue of metabolism, it's crucial to put screens to bed. The constant influx of social media, news, and entertainment can be overwhelming. Designate a specific time, about an hour before sleep, to turn off screens. Disconnect from the outside world briefly to unwind—read, meditate, affirmations, or journaling can help create a sense of safety and readiness for sleep.

2) Consistency is key. Establish a bedtime and adhere to it as closely as possible. While not everyone can embrace the "early to bed, early to rise" mantra, maintaining consistency in sleep routines reduces stress and maximizes the benefits of each sleep moment.

3) Avoid the snooze button. Recognize that sleep occurs in distinct 90-minute cycles. Hitting snooze steals valuable time without providing the genuine rest and rejuvenation your body needs, undermining the quality of your day.

4) Use Props to Sleep

If you wake up with lower back pain, consider placing a wedge or pillow under your legs for optimal support. This technique is significantly reduces force and pressure on the lower back. The difference it makes can determine whether you experience Lower back pain when you wake up. Effectively minimizing, eliminating, or offsetting compression is essential for addressing lower back pain.

If you wake up with neck pain try another pillow that allows your neck to stay in a neutral position. Also, use a “huggie pillow”, as I like to call it to support your top arm. This will prevent your arm from falling down which can tug at the neck muscles.


Rolfing® STRONG by Natania G


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