Ask a Trainer – What Time of Day Should I Workout?

Do you like to get up at the crack of dawn and go for a run or hit the gym? Or, maybe you prefer your workouts in the afternoon, when you can unwind from a long day. No matter what time of day you get your blood pumping, give yourself a pat on the back for sticking to your fitness routine (don’t worry – I’ll wait!). Whether you’re a morning or afternoon go-getter, there are perks to working out any time of the day.Rise and Sweat

  • Without a full day of excuses behind them, people who workout in the morning tend to be better at sticking to the routine.
  • If you decide that mornings are your favorite time for fitness, give yourself extra time to warm up and stretch after a long night of sleep.
  • If you’re pressed for time at the end of the day, the evening should be spent winding down a preparing your body for a good night’s sleep. Morning workouts will give you the extra time you need for a great nighttime routine.

Afternoon Delight

  • Lunch breaks are a good time to fit in a walk or head to the gym before the crowds pack in. You’ll feel accomplished by maximizing your time and you’ll be able to power through the 2PM meltdown.
  • If you’re working out during your lunch beak, schedule your meal after your workout to give yourself time to digest.

Even in the Evening

  • Let’s face it, some of us are not morning people and we might not have time during lunch. Making time in the evening makes perfect sense!
  • On your way home from work, make it part of your routine to schedule your workouts. Once the lure of the TV calls, it can be hard to get up and get motivated again.

Not sure what time works best for you? Try a few different times over the course of a month (dedicating one week to each) and see how you feel. Pay attention to your sleep, your digestion and your overall mood to determine what works best for your body clock.I’m available to help you early or late, so if you’re looking to start a fitness routine that works for your schedule, get in contact with me!


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Ask A Personal Trainer – How Often Should I Work Out?