Ask A Personal Trainer – How Often Should I Work Out?

Los Angeles Personal Trainer Natania Goldburg on Exercise FrequencyYou’re motivated. You’re inspired. You’re working out like a mad man (or woman) every single day. You might even be training on an intense two-a-day schedule.Then, suddenly, you hit the wall.You no longer feel physically or mentally inspired to continue. Your body and mind hurt and you’re just not feeling your best. But, how can this be? When it comes to working out, isn’t more always more?Not exactly.According to a great article on Q by Equinox, “Sustaining high-intensity workouts most days not only can over tax the body, it saps ambition and enjoyment of exercise and can keep you from your ideal physique.” But avoiding workout overload does not mean avoiding exercise altogether.

Here’s what I suggest to my Los Angeles personal training clients to keep them in shape and on track:

  • Do high intensity training 2-3 times each week.
  • On “off” days focus on easy to moderate exercises to help recover and prepare for your next training session.
  • Mix up your routine to keep things interesting. Cycling through different styles of training, as well as length of training and rest periods, will work different energy systems and make the changes you are looking for to reach your goals.

A manageable and realistic routine will keep you engaged and motivated. When you over do it, you feel tired (and probably painful) and let’s face it – that’s not fun at all! Your body needs time to heal and regenerate itself so that each intense workout can build on the accomplishments of the last. Over do it too soon and you risk hitting a plateau and never reaching your goals.If you’re looking for someone to get your workouts on track, or get you motivated to start a great, manageable fitness regimen, get in contact with me today!


Ask a Trainer – What Time of Day Should I Workout?


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