Roadmap to Wellness

Wellness Coaching at Vision Fitness and Wellness is an exciting program designed to help you be your best. Exciting, because with coaching, your “Best Self” Vision and the roadmap to reach that vision are made crystal clear.The roadmap includes long term goals (typically two or three months) and weekly goals, all of which are created collaboratively between you and your coach. Having an active role in the goal setting process ensures that you have ownership of them and that they truly resonate with you.Creating a Best Self Vision and roadmap with a Wellness Coach ensures your program will be in line with your core values, will identify obstacles that may present themselves and develop effective strategies to overcome them. With your coach, you will have a forum for safe, honest and open dialogue, as well as the support of an empathetic, nonjudgmental listener. In your weekly sessions with your coach, you’ll cover the previous week’s goals, successes and program adjustments, if necessary.There are many pitfalls that keep people from achieving their health and fitness goals. Some common ones include:

  • Failing to create a vision that is clear, concise and inspiring.
  • Coming up with goals that are too ambitious, un-realistic and a set up for failure. Also, goals that are ambiguous (“I’m going to eat better” versus “I’m going to have a vegetable with dinner four nights this week”).
  • Not considering obstacles that can get in the way of progress and threaten the ability to stay on track.
  • Lack of accountability, typically leading to not sticking with the program and staying stuck.

One of my coaching clients is Harrison, a 65 year old criminal defense attorney. He hired me to assist him in creating a plan to implement some healthy lifestyle changes. Among his goals, he wanted to lose 25 pounds. When I asked what was motivating him to lose the weight, he answered, “ I have a number of suits in my closet I don’t fit in anymore. It would be great to be able to wear them again.” I asked if there were any other reasons. “The courthouse downtown is a few blocks uphill from the parking structure and it’s not getting any easier to make that walk.” These were both good reasons to lose weight and I asked if there might be anyone else close to him that would benefit in some way from him achieving this goal. He thought for a bit and said he had a three year old grandson, the smile on Harrison’s face made it clear how fond he was of the boy. “When my grandson comes to visit, I love to run around and play with him. He’s got a ton of energy but I get tired pretty quickly and have to stop. I’d really like that to change.”When Harrison’s primary motivators to lose weight shifted from suits in the closet and walks to the courthouse to more quality time with his grandson, his confidence in reaching this goal increased immensely. This is an example of how the coaching process can help you find the heartfelt motivating factors that truly resonate with you and keep you on track to your goals.Utilizing the services of a Wellness Coach help you steer clear of pitfalls and empower you to achieve more than you may have thought you were capable of. Simply stated, Wellness Coaching at Vision Fitness and Wellness provides a golden opportunity for you to finally make steady progress towards making your health and fitness lifestyle goals a reality, and equally as important, making those lifestyle changes permanent. Your loved ones will also be beneficiaries of the positivity, health and happiness that come from your efforts.Learn about Vision Wellness Coaching.


Vision Recipe of the Week


Vision Recipe of the Week